A usual meal has its positive sides, but if this is a feast – it bodes problems.

  • prepare blancmange: you will encounter obstacles in realization of your plans
  • eat blancmange: everything will go as you wanted
2 thoughts on “Blancmange”
  1. I had a large bowl of pink blancmange. My dead mom was in the dream somehow she was getting rid of or reducing the amount of blancmange till there was only a small amount left. I told her not to do that cause I really like blancmange.

    1. Dream interpretation of a large bowl of pink blancmange with a dead mother reducing the amount of blancmange till there was only a small amount left and the dreamer requesting not to do so:

      The large bowl of pink blancmange may represent a situation or opportunity that the dreamer is currently experiencing. It may symbolize something that is pleasurable or enjoyable in the dreamer’s waking life. The presence of the dreamer’s dead mother could indicate unresolved emotions or feelings of grief that the dreamer is experiencing in their waking life. The mother reducing the amount of blancmange may represent the dreamer’s fear of losing or missing out on something that brings them joy. However, the dreamer’s request for their mother not to reduce the amount of blancmange indicates a desire to hold onto what brings them happiness. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s need to hold onto enjoyable experiences or aspects of their life, and their fear of losing them.

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