Dreaming of a scepter in your hand hints at the very close probability of ascending the ranks of your job or occupying an important position in the social environment in which you operate.

To dream that others have a scepter in their hands suggests that you will continue indefinitely as a subordinate of other people.

Scepter dream dictionary

Scepter dream dictionary

Dreams in which we see ourselves using a scepter or staffs made of metals and precious stones insinuate that we are people with a great sense of honor, however, this dream is also a harbinger of conflicts and confrontations with people who will try to question our prestige. Usually, dreams where we see ourselves holding a scepter can be a wake-up call to moderate our behavior, because sometimes we are too authoritarian.

Dreaming that you have a scepter can also be a sign of ideals and great expectations regarding some business or emotional relationships, for which it is necessary to put your feet on the ground and avoid creating great illusions.

To dream that we receive a scepter at a coronation or other festivity suggests that in a short time we will obtain great benefits from influential people who, without a doubt, will seek ways to contribute to our professional growth.

Scepter dream meaning

It is a symbol of power, might, power, dominion and happiness, it can also be an attribute of the goddess of justice. You will go up high and achieve great honors.

Dream interpretation scepter

When you see a scepter in a dream, it portends you success and happiness.

A dream of holding a scepter portends that you will be honored at work. A raise will also be possible.

If in a dream you give the scepter to someone, it means that you are subordinate and too submissive to someone.

A dream in which you see the scepter as an extension of your arm means that you have a lot of strength that you cannot use well. Rely on your intuition to tell you what to do with it.

When you see a scepter in the form of a phallus in your dream, it is a sign that your libido is awake. It is a dream of sexual significance, do not be afraid of your needs, which are a natural thing after all.

The dream of a shattered scepter indicates the resignation from power, cruelty or despotism.

If in a dream you are holding a scepter in your left hand, this is a sign that you are sympathetic and kind. You are an empath who can penetrate people’s emotions, sense their true emotions and intentions.

If in a dream the scepter is held by a woman, it means that you have a strong representative of the opposite sex in your surroundings, Anima, who wants to rule over you.

When the scepter is held by a man, it symbolizes the patriarchal order around you.

The iron scepter symbolizes cruelty and despotism.

A dream in which a wooden scepter appears, it is a symbol, it means that someone will make an ugly mockery of you.

The meaning of the scepter dream in other cultures and dream books:

Mystical dream interpretation:

When you hold the scepter in a dream, it means that you will hold a very important office.

If you see them in your dream, you will be intimidated by someone else’s authority.

When you have your scepter in a dream, it is a sign that you want to turn it on and it will destroy you.

Scepter dream


It is a symbol of power, strength, power, domination and happiness, it can also be an attribute of the goddess of justice. You will go high and achieve great honors.

see scepter: success, happiness

hold the scepter: award at work, also possible pay rise

give someone a scepter: you are submitted to someone and too submissive

a scepter as an extension of the hand: you have a lot of power, which, you cannot use properly; use your own intuition, which will tell you what to do

a scepter as a phallus: your libido is not sleeping, it is a dream about the importance of sex, do not be afraid of your needs, which after all are a natural thing.

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